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In the beginning....


Liz Hauck set up Wildwood Artists in 2017 when one of her workshop students asked her if she would teach on a one-to-one basis. She felt strongly that art is better taught within a group of people, allowing cross-fertilization of ideas. The seed was sown and Liz invited a small group of artists from her workshops – at different stages in their art development – to join an informal and flexible programme of art teaching.


The core of the teaching programme is expressive art. The emphasis is on painting and drawing freely and from imagination, tapping into memories and feelings. We range across abstraction, semi-abstraction and expressive figurative painting. Although the focus is mainly on painting, we also explore other genres like print, collage and sculpture.

What we do now

Before the pandemic Liz ran workshops in her studio at Wildwood every 4 to 6 weeks. Each session offered the opportunity to share recent artwork, gain feedback from others and to learn in theory and in practice about the key elements involved in making art – design, value, shape, line, colour and texture.

We now hold online workshops twice a month. One of these workshops is a sharing and feedback session giving the artists insight into how others respond to their work as well as constructive help. The other workshop is all about learning, specifically, learning from each other.  One or more of the artists introduce and share a subject of special interest, in a workshop which combines theory with practical exercises. New ideas and ways of doing art combined with making art together encourages us to play and experiment.


Liz's creative vision

  • Stimulating and practical art learning – exploring art concepts, skills and practices

  • Support and encouragement in finding and developing their own way of making art.

  • Experimentation with a range of different art mediums and materials

  • Learning from other artists, contemporary and historical, famous and not so famous

  • The opportunity to exhibit work in group exhibition

 To find out more about Liz's art workshops



Our collective values


Learning anything new can be frustrating and it is easy to get discouraged. Our values ensure a positive environment within which to learn.


  • Supportive – working together for the benefit of all of us

  • Enabling – giving others in the group help and encouragement.

  • Generous – happy to share with each other ideas, discoveries and techniques.

  • Experimental – open to new thinking and different ways of making art.

  • Brave – prepared to be bold and go beyond our comfort zone.



Giving back

In line with our ethos to support and enable, all the artists in the collective donate 20% of their art sales in group exhibitions to charity. Charities we are currently supporting are Cherry Trees, a respite home for disabled children in Surrey and Tujatane, a school for underprivileged children in Zambia.


Liz Hauck donates all her proceeds from her workshops and sales of her paintings to Tujatane. She has raised c.£67,000 for various charities.

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